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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - death


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~ n 1 »THE END OF SB's LIFE« the end of the life of a person or animal + of  (The death of his mother was a great shock. | shortly after Lenin's death in 1924 | the risk of death or serious injury at work) bleed/burn/starve etc to death (=die in a particular way)  (He choked to death on a fishbone. | put sb to death (=kill someone, especially after an official decision))  (Caesar ordered the prisoners to be put to death. | meet your death)  (literary (=die))  (- see also accidental death) 2 »EXAMPLE OF SB DYING« an example of someone dying  (a campaign to reduce the number of deaths on Britain's roads) + from  (deaths from lung cancer) 3 die a horrible/terrible etc death to die in a terrible etc way  (The animals in the traps can die a slow and agonizing death.) 4 »IN ART« Death a creature that looks like a skeleton (1a), used in paintings, stories etc as a sign of death and destruction 5 scared/bored to death informal extremely frightened or bored 6 sick to death of very unhappy with something because it has been annoying you for a long time  (I am sick to death of your complaining!) 7 you'll catch your death (of cold) spoken used as a warning to someone when you think they are likely to become ill because it is wet or cold  (Don't go out without a coat! You'll catch your death of cold!) 8 at death's door be very ill and likely to die 9 like death warmed up/warmed over informal if someone looks or feels like death warmed up, they look or feel very ill or tired 10 »THE END« the permanent end of an idea, custom etc  (an article lamenting the death of classical music) 11 you'll/he'll be the death of me! spoken used, especially humorously, when someone makes you very worried and anxious  (That boy is going to be the death of me!) 12 fight to the death a) to fight until one person is killed b) to fight very hard to achieve something even if it means that you suffer 13 death blow an action or event that makes something fail or end  (The new evidence dealt a death blow to the prosecution case.)  (- see also Black Death, kiss of death kiss2 (2), a matter of life and death life (11))
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  (deaths) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Death is the permanent end of the life of a person or animal. 1.5 million people are in immediate danger of death from starvation. ...the thirtieth anniversary of her death... There had been a death in the family... He almost bled to death after a bullet severed an artery. ? birth, life N-VAR 2. A particular kind of death is a particular way of dying. They made sure that he died a horrible death... N-COUNT: with supp 3. The death of something is the permanent end of it. It meant the death of everything he had ever been or ever hoped to be. = end N-SING: usu the N of n 4. If you say that someone is at death’s door, you mean they are very ill indeed and likely to die. (INFORMAL) He told his boss a tale about his mother being at death’s door... PHRASE: v-link PHR 5. If you say that you will fight to the death for something, you are emphasizing that you will do anything to achieve or protect it, even if you suffer as a consequence. She’d have fought to the death for that child. PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]emphasis 6. If you refer to a fight or contest as a fight to the death, you are emphasizing that it will not stop until the death or total victory of one of the opponents. He now faces a fight to the death to reach the quarter-finals. PHRASE c darkgreen]emphasis 7. If you say that something is a matter of life and death, you are emphasizing that it is extremely important, often because someone may die or suffer great harm if people do not act immediately. Well, never mind, John, it’s not a matter of life and death... PHRASE: n of PHR, PHR n c darkgreen]emphasis 8. If someone is put to death, they are executed. (FORMAL) Those put to death by firing squad included three generals. PHRASE: V inflects 9. You use to death after a verb to indicate that a particular action or process results in someone’s death. He was stabbed to death. ...relief missions to try to keep the...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English deeth, from Old English death; akin to Old Norse dauthi ~, deyja to die — more at die  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a permanent cessation of all vital functions ; the end of life — compare brain ~  b. an instance of dying a disease causing many ~s  2.  a. the cause or occasion of loss of life drinking was the ~ of him  b. a cause of ruin the slander that was ~ to my character — Wilkie Collins  3. capitalized the destroyer of life represented usually as a skeleton with a scythe  4. the state of being dead  5.  a. the passing or destruction of something inanimate the ~ of vaudeville  b. extinction  6. civil ~  7. slaughter  8. Christian Science the lie of life in matter ; that which is unreal and untrue ; illusion ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 the final cessation of vital functions in an organism; the ending of life. 2 the event that terminates life. 3 a the fact or process of being killed or killing (stone to death; fight to the death). b the fact or state of being dead (eyes closed in death; their deaths caused rioting). 4 a the destruction or permanent cessation of something (was the death of our hopes). b colloq. something terrible or appalling. 5 (usu. Death) a personification of death, esp. as a destructive power, usu. represented by a skeleton. 6 a lack of religious faith or spiritual life. Phrases and idioms as sure as death quite certain. at death's door close to death. be in at the death 1 be present when an animal is killed, esp. in hunting. 2 witness the (esp. sudden) ending of an enterprise etc. be the death of 1 cause the death of. 2 be very harmful to. catch one's death colloq. catch a serious chill etc. death adder any of various venomous snakes of the genus Acanthopis esp. A. antarcticus of Australia. death cap a poisonous toadstool, Amanita phalloides. death cell a prison cell for a person condemned to death. death certificate an official statement of the cause and date and place of a person's death. death duty Brit. hist. a tax levied on property after the owner's death. Usage Replaced in 1975 by capital transfer tax and in 1986 by inheritance tax. death grant Brit. a State grant towards funeral expenses. death-knell 1 the tolling of a bell to mark a person's death. 2 an event that heralds the end or destruction of something. death-mask a cast taken of a dead person's face. death penalty punishment by being put to death. death rate the number of deaths per thousand of population per year. death-rattle a gurgling sound sometimes heard in a dying person's throat. death-roll 1 those killed in an accident, battle, etc. 2 a list of these. death row US a prison block or section for prisoners sentenced to death. death's head a human skull as an emblem of mortality. death's head moth a large dark hawk moth, Acherontia atropos, with skull-like...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  гибель birth and death process — матем. процесс рождения и гибели ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) смерть 2) выход из строя; поломка • - accidental death - cause of death - civil death - cover on death - death benefit - death from misadventure - endogenic death - observed deaths - wrongful death ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  смерть – shamming death – thymineless death ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. смерть natural death —- естественная смерть accidental death —- случайная смерть lingering death —- медленная агония death by drowning —- утопление hour of death —- смертный час death angel —- ангел смерти death stab —- смертельный удар (ножом) pale as death —- бледный как смерть a question of life and death —- вопрос жизни и смерти at smb.'s death —- в момент чьей-л. смерти on his father's death he returned to London —- после смерти отца он вернулся в Лондон to one's death —- до последнего часа, до самой смерти, до конца дней своих; встретив смерть he fell from a 100 metres to his death —- он упал с высоты сто метров и разбился насмерть to the death —- до конца; до последней капли крови, до последнего дыхания war to the death —- война на истребление, истребительная война; борьба не на жизнь, а на смерть until death —- на всю жизнь, пожизненно unto death —- книж. до смерти, до гроба faithful into death —- верный до гроба to notify a death —- регистрировать смерть to die a hero's death —- пасть смертью храбрых to meet one's death —- найти свою смерть to beat smb. to death —- избить кого-л. до смерти to be frozen to death —- умереть от холода to shoot smb. to death —- застрелить кого-л. to drink oneself to death —- умереть от запоя to look like death —- быть бледным как смерть to look death in the face —- смотреть смерти в лицо to be at the point of death —- быть при смерти,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  by misadventure смерть от несчастного случая DEATH noun  1) смерть natural (violent) death - естественная (насильственная) смерть - civil death to meet ones death найти свою смерть; at death, s door при смерти; на краю гибели; to be in the jaws of death быть в когтях смерти, в крайней опасности - put death - do to death - wounded to death war to the death война на истребление  2) конец, гибель the death of (ones) hopes - конец чьим-л. надеждам  3) - the Black Death  4) употр. для усиления: tired to death - смертельно усталый to work smb. to death - не давать кому-л. передышки, загнать кого-л. до полусмерти this will be the death of me - это сведет меня в могилу; это меня ужасно огорчит  5) attr. смертный, смертельный to be in at the death -  а) hunt. присутствовать при том, как на охоте убивают затравленную лисицу;  б) быть свидетелем завершения каких-л. событий - like grim death - worse than death DEATH sentence noun смертный приговор DEATH mask маска, слепок (с лица умершего) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  funny abbr. Don't Ever Antagonize The Horn ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. deaр, from P.Gmc. *dauthaz, from verbal stem *dau- "die" + *-thuz suffix indicating "act, process, condition." Death row first recorded 1940s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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